The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 28 (Winter 2024) |
- 17th Century Acre Letters in the Livorno Archive (Yehuda Kleiner (FRPSL))
- Pre-Modern Postal History of Libya (Bruno Crevato-Selvaggi & Piero Macrelli)
- Plate Errors of the Empire Stamps – Passer Revised Part 4: The 20 Paras Stamps (Hans Paul Soetens)
- The Indian Sea Post Office: The MALDIRIGÈ Mark and Missent Slip (Bo Andersson)
- MALDIRIGÉ – A new Mark from the Aden–Bombay Sea Post Office (Bo Andersson)
- Misdirected to the Aden-Bombay Sea Post Office: Registered Letter from South Africa to Japan in 1898 (Bo Andersson)
- İstanbul Views on Postcards – Part 3: The German Fountain – Alman Çeşmesi (Hakan Yılmaz)
- Ottoman Revenue Stamps: Imperforate Proofs Album (Tobias Zywietz)
- TPO İstanbul–Çekmece (Küçükçekmece)? … and a Lesson on Reading Ottoman Postmarks (Folkert Bruining and Tobias Zywietz)
- A 1922 Cover: Grand National Assembly of Turkey (Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi) (Volker Fredebold)
- The Introduction of International Reply Coupons in Persia in 1926 (Parviz Sahandi and Wolfgang Leimenstoll)
- The Development of the Postal Services in Sharjah (I): Sharjah Residents’ Mail via Dubai Post Office, 1914–1963 (Khalid Al-Omaira)
- The Payas Post: Postal War About Hatay 1938/1939 (Mehmet Akan)
- Hotel Post in Jordan (Bernd-Dieter Buscke (AIJP))
- The Jordan Vending Machine Stamp Booklet (Avo Kaplanian)
- The Iraqi Occupation of Kuwait: A Postal History Dateline (Dr. Mashael Alhajeri)
- Book Review: Impact of Political Events on the Postal History of Persia (Fariborz Goodarzi) (Tobias Zywietz)
- Book Review: The Ottoman Empire and Early Republic Post Offices in the Vilayet Trabzon (Kemal Giray) (Tobias Zywietz)
- Book Review: Timbres Fiscaux des Colonies Françaises: Moyen Orient (Henri Barbero, Irène Daniel, Guy Venot) (Tobias Zywietz)
- Postal Rates of the Republic of Turkey 1920–1950 (Mehmet Akan, Selçuk Akar, Tuthan Turgut and Emre Utku)
- Reactions, Comments, Queries Section:
- Postmark Ministère de la Guerre (Harbiye Nezâreti) (Hakan Yılmaz)
- Research Request: Postmarks of the Palestinian Post 1995–2024 (Thomas Schubert)
- Academic Article: “The Hashemite Regime on Jordanian Postage Stamps: A Visual History of Nation-Building” (Michael Sharnoff)
- Egypt: Postmaster-General Annual Reports 1877–1909 (Tobias Zywietz)
- BALKANPHILA XX Exhibition, Thessaloniki 2024 (Tobias Zywietz)
- Arab Palestine Organisation Propaganda Folder (Dr. John K. Courtis (FRPSL))
- Digital Resources: “Reference Manual of Saudi Arabian Forgeries 2024” (Part 1: Postage and Revenue Stamps) (Tobias Zywietz)
- Update on Moorer’s Interactive Philatelic Index and the Zotero Philatelic Repository (Peter Moorer)
- Iraq Definitives 1941/1947 10 Fils Carmine-Rose: Correction of Date of Issue (Richard Rose)
- Aleppo 1919: Military Censorship (Peter Gassmann)
- Handbook Section
- The Revenue Stamps of Crete – Part B: The Occupation Period and Provisionals 1898–1900 (Oscar van der Vliet)
- Recent Philatelic Journals (Tobias Zywietz)
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 28 (Regular Version, 157 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 28 (Image Quality Reduced, 95 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 27 (Summer 2024) |
- Are 15th Century Venetian Letters Really from Ashkelon? (by Yehuda Kleiner)
- Plate Errors of the Empire Stamps – Passer Revised : Part 3: The 50 Paras Stamps (by Hans Paul Soetens)
- Specialities of Ottoman Philately (IV) : The 25 Piastres Stamps (Duloz and Empire) on Cover (by Hans-Dieter Gröger)
- The Egyptian Post Office in Jeddah 1865–1881 (by Tarik Alireza)
- The Genesis of the First Iranian Stamps: New Discoveries (by Mehrdad Sadri)
- Local Mail in İstanbul (II): Şehir Postası – The State-Run City Post (by Hofrat. Ing. Hubert Gerzabek)
- Turkey 1892: Coat-of-Arms Printed Matter (Matbuʿa) – Some Notes on their Occurrence and Valuation (by Otto Graf (AIJP))
- İstanbul Views on Ottoman Postcards – Part 2: Ministry of War (by Hakan Yılmaz (edited by Tobias Zywietz))
- A 1907 Taxed Letter from Trebizonde to Constantinople: A Glimpse of the ‘Postal War’ within the Ottoman Empire (by Alexios Papadopoulos)
- Ottoman Postmarks Used in Transjordan until the End of the Ottoman Empire in 1918 (by Bernd-Dieter Buscke (AIJP))
- The Early Syrian Revenue Stamps (by Maen Neama)
- Overprinted Private Postal Wrappers of the Middle Eastern Region (by Dr. John K. Courtis (FRPSL))
- British Vital Correspondence from the South of Iran during World War II (by Hoseinali Tahvildari)
- Postage Due Covers of (Trans)Jordan (by Avo Kaplanian)
- A Long Time Coming: The Diplomatic Struggle for Muscat and Oman’s First Stamp Issue (by Calvin H. Allen, Jr.)
- Kuwait: ‘REJECTED’ in lieu of ‘REGISTERED’ (by Dr. Mashael Alhajeri)
- Moorer’s Interactive Philatelic Index (by Peter Moorer)
- Book Review: Syrian Fiscal Stamps (Omar Tabakh) (reviewed by Tobias Zywietz)
- Reactions, Comments, Queries Section:
- Asaf Tanrıkut: Türkiye Posta ve Telgraf ve Telefon tarihi ve teşkilât ve mevzuatı (Tobias Zywietz)
- Iraqi Postal History: Who was Dr. Markus Feiner? (Rainer Fuchs (FRPSL, AIJP))
- RFI on Ottoman TPOs: Mitrovitza–Üsküb and vice versa (Folkert Bruining)
- New Discovery: Latest Reuse of a British Mandate Postmark in Jordanian-occupied Palestine (Bernd-Dieter Buscke (AIJP))
- Turkey 1938 Obligatory Tax Stamps “P.Y.S” (Posta Yardım Sandığı): Where did the Revenues go to? (Hakan Yılmaz)
- The Joint Telegraph Office at Pera (Ottoman Posts/Eastern Telegraph Co.) (Hakan Yılmaz)
- EFIRO 2024: Specialised World Exhibition Bucharest (Tobias Zywietz)
- RFI: British Packet Agencies and Post Offices in the Ottoman Empire (Semaan Bassil)
- Syrian Charity Stamps: Anti-Tuberculosis (Comité Syrien Anti Tuberculose) (Oscar van der Vliet)
- Two Academic Articles: Visualizing Palestine in Arab Postage Stamps and Jordanian stamps of Islamic Holy sites in Jerusalem (Michael Sharnoff)
- Archive Section
- Archival Resources on the British Post Offices in the Persian Gulf Region Part II: British National Archives (by Calvin H. Allen, Jr.)
- The Austrian Post Offices in Turkey (by Alexander Eberan v. Eberhorst)
- Recent Philatelic Journals (Tobias Zywietz)
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 27 (Regular Version, 133 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 27 (Image Quality Reduced, 90 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 26 (Spring 2024) |
- İstanbul Views on Ottoman Postcards – Part 1: The Beyazıt Fire-Watch Tower and the Fire Fighters of İstanbul (Hakan Yılmaz)
- Plate Errors of the Empire Stamps – Passer Revised: Part 2: The 10 Paras Stamps (Hans Paul Soetens)
- Specialities of Ottoman Philately (III): The 25 Piastres Changeling of the 1876 Empire Issue (Hans-Dieter Gröger)
- The Blockage in the Suez Canal in June 1885 (Bo Andersson)
- Local Mail in İstanbul (I): Lianos & Cie. (Hubert Gerzabek)
- Constantinople State Printing Office: Postal Newspaper Wrappers for the Postage-Free Dispatch of the Official Newspaper Takvīm-i Vakāyi (Volker Fredebold)
- Collecting Educates, that’s for sure! Slate Mining in Veniziani-Gradsko (North Macedonia) (Folkert Bruining)
- The Thessalian Railways (Atadan Tunacı and Folkert Bruining)
- In Bolthausen’s Footsteps: Holy Land Souvenir Covers (David K. Smith)
- A Brief Look at Haifa Telegraph Cancels (Tobias Zywietz)
- Overland Mail Haifa–Baghdad: The Earliest Covers sent Eastwards Before the Official Opening (Rainer Fuchs)
- Palestine Mandate Rare Destinations (II): Ecuador – August 1933 to April 1948 (Ed Kroft)
- The Jordanian Postmarks of Oil Pumping Stations H4 and H5 in the Great Syrian Desert (Bernd-Dieter Buscke)
- The Only Two Coil Stamps of Transjordan (Avo Kaplanian)
- An Irrelevant Case? On the Integrity of Iraq Post Concerning the Tawafan Al-Aqsa Stamps (Mohammed Dhia Al-Shirwani)
- Book Reviews:
- Microhistory of the Turkish Posts 1920–2015 – Volume 1: 1920–1950 (Mehmet Akan & Timur Kuran) (Tobias Zywietz)
- Mail in the Levant – Beirut (Semaan Bassil) (Tobias Zywietz)
- Guide To The Postal Stationery of Iraq (Clayton Rubec & Akhtem Al-Manaseer) (Tobias Zywietz)
- Reactions, Comments, Queries Section:
- The Dolmabahçe Imperial Palace Post Office: Saray-ı Hümayun – Palais Impérial (Hakan Yılmaz, Volker Fredebold)
- The Validity of Saudi-Arabian Stamps : Are modern Saudi-Arabian Stamps Vignettes invalid for Postage? (Martin Bohnstedt)
- Turkey 1938 Obligatory Tax Stamps “P.Y.S” (Posta Yardım Sandığı): Where did the Revenues go to? (Tobias Zywietz, Otto Graf)
- Research Note on Reply Coupons of Iran Type Lo16 (Parviz Sahandi and Wolfgang Leimenstoll)
- Digital Resources: “Reference manual of Saudi Arabian forgeries” (R. J. Thoden) (Peter Moorer)
- RFI: US Military Post Offices in Jordan (Bernd-Dieter Buscke)
- Research Request: The Registered Mail of the Ottoman Empire 1840–1923 (Alan Mellaart)
- Jordan: Rare “Emirate East of the Jordan” Cachet (1947) (Avo Kaplanian)
- Quo vadis, Bale? The Fate of the Bale Catalogues for Palestine (Tobias Zywietz)
- UPU Circular on Illegal Postage Stamps of Palestine (Tobias Zywietz)
- Egypt: New Discovery of an Ismailia Registration Postmark (Bernd-Dieter Buscke)
- Archive Section
- Archival Resources on the British Post Offices in the Persian Gulf Region Part I: British Library Asian and African Studies Collection (Calvin H. Allen, Jr.)
- Handbook Section
- The Revenue Stamps of Crete – Part A: The Ottoman period 1845–1898 (Oscar van der Vliet)
- Recent Philatelic Journals (Tobias Zywietz)
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 26 (Regular Version, 120 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 26 (Image Quality Reduced, 80 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 25 (Winter 2023) |
- Plate Errors of the Empire Stamps – Passer Revised I: The 2 Piastres Stamps (1876–1890) (Hans Paul Soetens)
- Specialities of Ottoman Philately (II) – Turkey Duloz 1876: Proofs and Trials for the Unissued 5 and 25 Piastres (Hans-Dieter Gröger)
- Quarantine at Brindisi in 1882: Disinfection of P&O Mail (Bo Andersson)
- The Two Postal Conventions of 1884 and 1892 between Ottoman Turkey and Persia (Björn Sohrne)
- New Postmark Discoveries from the Cisr-i Mustafa Paşa–Dersaʿadet (Svilengrad–İstanbul) Railway (Willy Pijnenburg)
- An Interesting Prediction : New Postmark Discoveries from the Cisr-i Mustafa Paşa–Dersaʿadet (Svilengrad–İstanbul) Railway (II) (Folkert Bruining)
- Railway Mail Service in Ottoman Europe (IV): Some Interesting Additions (Folkert Bruining & Atadan Tunacı)
- The Palekura Opium Plantation (Otto Graf AIJP)
- The Oriental Travels of Julius Bolthausen – Part 4: Bisecting Austrian Levant Stamps in Caifa 1908 (Tobias Zywietz)
- The Dolmabahçe Imperial Palace Post Office : Saray-ı Hümayun – Palais Impérial (Volker Fredebold)
- Market Report: Palestine Post Office Postal Stationery Wrappers (Dr. John A. Courtis)
- Walter Mittelholzer’s Balkan Flight 1934 (Schalk W. de Klerk)
- Palestine Mandate: Rare Destinations (Ed Kroft)
- Book Reviews:
- Iraqi Occupation of Kuwait (Al-Hajeri) (Tobias Zywietz)
- Reactions, Comments, Queries Section:
- The Validity of Saudi-Arabian Stamps (Martin Lovegrove)
- Société Britannique de Secours aux Blessés Militaires (British Red Cross) in Smyrna in 1878 (Martin Rhein)
- Philatelic Literature: Holy Land Postal History digitised (Tobias Zywietz)
- Dubai 1968 Butterflies: New Discoveries (Ralf Kollmann, David Greyfield)
- RFI: 1948 POW Mail with Censor “Iraqi General Command” (Peter Gassmann, )
- RFI: Egyptian-style ‘Interpostal’ Seal for Tarsous (Adana) “POSTE IMÉRIALE OTTOMANES / TARSOUS” (Omar Wassef)
- Digital Resources at the Istituto di Studi Storici Postali “Aldo Cecchi” (Tobias Zywietz)
- A 1920s Turkish Stamp Album: “ پول البومى ” (pūl albümi) (Tobias Zywietz)
- L’Orient Philatélique Digitised (Tobias Zywietz)
- Dissolution of the Oriental Philatelic Association London (OPAL) (Tobias Zywietz)
- Ankara 2023 National and International Stamp Exhibition – Results (Tobias Zywietz)
- Archive Section:
- The Postal Convention of 1884 Between the Ottoman Empire and Persia (compiled and translated by Tobias Zywietz)
- The Postal Convention of 1892 Between the Ottoman Empire and Persia (compiled and translated by Tobias Zywietz)
- The 1905 Amendment to the Postal Convention of 1892 Between the Ottoman Empire and Persia (compiled and translated by Tobias Zywietz)
- Recent Philatelic Journals (Tobias Zywietz)
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 25 (Regular Version, 157 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 25 (Image Quality Reduced, 116 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 24 (Summer 2023) |
- The Wing of Islam – The Postal Service in Egypt and Syria in the Umayyad, Abbasid, and Mamluk Periods (Bruno Crevato-Selvaggi)
- Mr. Scudamore’s Appointment (Tobias Zywietz/Asaf Tanrıkut/Seref Bornovali)
- The 1882 Anglo-Egyptian War and the Sea Post Office (Bo Andersson)
- Specialities of Ottoman Philately (I) : Foreign Post Office Letters for Inland Destinations (Hans-Dieter Gröger)
- Once upon a Time there were three Rabbis … ROPiT Jerusalem 14.12.1906 (Willy Pijnenburg)
- Railway Mail Services in Ottoman Europe (III) : Railway Stations after the Balkan Wars and First World War (Folkert Bruining & Atadan Tunacı)
- Ottoman Military Mail & Censorship in WWI (Hubert Gerzabek)
- International Reply Coupons of Iran (Parviz Sahandi)
- Taxed Mail of the Gaza Strip under Egyptian Rule (Avo Kaplanian)
- Curious Stamps from Damascus (II): The Martyrs Obligatory Tax Stamps of 2015/2020 (Johann Baumgartner/Moritz Traub)
- İstanbul Mosques on Ottoman Postcards – Part 2: Ayasofya (Hakan Yılmaz)
- Book Reviews:
- Pellecom & Stragier: Alexandria Postal Historical Study from the Earliest Days until 1918 (reviewed by Tobias Zywietz)
- Holy Land: Turkish Post in Palestine 1851–1918 The Itamar Karpovsky Collection (reviewed by Tobias Zywietz)
- Kaczmarczyk: The Postal Issues of Syria, Lebanon and the Alaouites 1919–1945 (reviewed by Tobias Zywietz)
- Crevato-Selvaggi & Macrelli: Libia : Storia, Posta, Filatelia I (reviewed by Tobias Zywietz)
- Reactions, Comments, Queries Section:
- Photograph of the Austrian Post Office in Jerusalem, 1905 (Tobias Zywietz)
- Asaf Tanrıkut: Türkiye Posta ve Telgraf ve Telefon tarihi ve teşkilât ve mevzuatı (Tobias Zywietz)
- Kuwait’s refusal of mail franked with certain Iranian postage stamps (Ralf Kollmann)
- Disruption of Airmail Services between West Germany and Iraq and Iran at the Start of the First Gulf War (October 1980) (Ralf Kollmann)
- The Arab-Israeli Clandestine Mail Revisited (Jan Heijs)
- Régistre d’Échangistes de Cartes Postales Illustrées et de Timbre Poste: RECP – one of many postcard and stamp exchange clubs (Tobias Zywietz)
- Syrian ADPO ZO Revenue Stamps: New Discoveries (Bernardo Longo)
- Dubai 1968 Butterflies: New Discveries (Ralf Kollmann)
- RFI: Arab postage stamp depictions of maps of Palestine, 1948–1967 (Michael Sharnoff)
- Archive Section:
- Postal Conditions in Turkey (1875) (Karl Braun)
- The Turkish Posts (Postal Secretary Unger)
- Recent Philatelic Journals (Tobias Zywietz)
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 24 (Regular Version, 159 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 24 (Image Quality Reduced, 110 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 23 (Spring 2023) |
- Postage Due Covers from the Turkish-Bulgarian Postal War of 1886 to 1888 (Hans-Dieter Gröger )
- A Golden “Oildie” (Oscar van der Vliet)
- Mail from Bombay disinfected in Persia 1897 (Bo Andersson)
- Railway Mail Services in Ottoman Europe (II) Ottoman Railway Station Post Offices and TPOs (Atadan Tunacı and Folkert Bruining)
- İstanbul Mosques on Ottoman Postcards – Part 1: Ayasofya General Views (Hakan Yılmaz)
- Ottoman Officers’ Field Post Stamps and Military and Field Post Postmarks (Hofrat Ing. Hubert Gerzabek)
- Iranian Parcel Post 1876–1981 (Colis Postaux) (Saeed Bakhtiari Soltani, edited by Fariborz Goodarzi)
- Emergency Post Cards of Turkey (Otto Graf, AIJP)
- The Arab-Israeli Clandestine Mail Revisited (Avo Kaplanian)
- Kuwait’s refusal of mail franked with certain Iranian postage stamps (Jan Heijs and Wolfgang Elsner)
- Curious Stamps from Damascus (I): The Withdrawn 2016 National Day Stamp (Johann Baumgartner with additions by Tobias Zywietz)
- Book Review:
- The Ottoman Post Offices and Services in Iraq (Kemal Giray) (Tobias Zywietz)
- Reactions, Comments, Queries Section:
- German Levant: Printed Matter Wrapper, Jerusalem & Beirut 1900 (Hakan Yılmaz, Tilmann Nössig)
- The Postal Conditions in Tripoli (Libya) in 1879 (Gerhard Rohlfs, Andreas Birken, Tobias Zywietz)
- German Consulate in Trabzon: Trade Report 1871 (RFI: Ottoman Postal Route to Persia via Trebizonde, Erzurum, Bayazid, and Tabriz) (Tobias Zywietz)
- International Reply Coupons of Turkey: Greek Occupation of the Island of Lesbos with Mytilene 1912 (Wolfgang Leimenstoll)
- Mixed Results for Ottoman Era Material at a Recent Auction (Tobias Zywietz) (Tobias Zywietz)
- Syrian IRC: Spectacular Auction Result for a very rare Version (Wolfgang Leimenstoll)
- RFI: “Licence of Vehicles” at Amman Central Post Office (Bernd-Dieter Buscke)
- RFI: Jordan Cachets – what is their use and meaning? (Bernd-Dieter Buscke)
- RFI: Saudi Arabia 1950s Censorship? (Govenco, Djeddah) (Bernd-Dieter Buscke)
- RFI: Turkish Post operating in Northern Syria (Jinderes, Shayk al-Hadid, Rajo Afrin, Azaz, Marea, Al-Rai, Jarabulus, Tell Abiad, Ras al-Ayn) (Tobias Zywietz, Moritz Traub)
- RFI: Queen Elizabeth II State Visit to Jordan, March 1984 (Irv Osterer)
- RFI: Palestine Fiscal Stamps (ʾiradat) and MOPIC (Thomas Schubert, Arthur Harris)
- The Air Defence School (FLAK-Schule) at San Stefano (Yeşilköy) (Tobias Zywietz)
- Archive Section:
- Maritime and Road Traffic in Constantinople (1875) (Postsecretair Unger)
- Recent Philatelic Journals (Tobias Zywietz)
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 23 (Regular Version, 190 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 23 (Image Quality Reduced, 118 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 22 (Winter 2022) |
- German Post in Turkey: Early Printed Matter Frankings with North-German Stamps 1870/71 (by Tilmann Nössig and Joachim Gerhold)
- Telephones in Constantinople (but only for the Sultan) (by Tobias Zywietz)
- British Railway Company Cancellations of the Ottoman Empire in Western Anatolia (by Atadan Tunacı)
- Railway Mail Services in Ottoman Europe (I) – C.O., C.O.S.M., J.S.C. (by Atadan Tunacı and Folkert Bruining)
- Undelivered Postal Items in Ottoman Jerusalem (Austrian Post) – An Introduction (by David K. Smith)
- A 1914 Christmas Letter (by Yvonne Berger)
- The Ottoman Field Post Office 44 (by Osman Levend Seral (edited by Tobias Zywietz))
- Gems from the Adolf Passer Collection (II): The Kilis-Provisionals 1921 (by Hubert Gerzabek)
- The Opening of the Haifa–Baghdad Overland Mail as reported by The Times in 1923 (compiled by Tobias Zywietz)
- Palestine Mandate: Rare 1928 Registration Envelope without Imprinted Stamp (by Rolf Wernecke and Tobias Zywietz)
- Recent Postal Developments in Palestine (by Thomas Schubert)
- The Zotero Philatelic Resources Library (by Peter Moorer)
- Book Reviews:
- Stempels van Scheepsagenturen & de Regionale Scheepvaart in het Egeïsche en Ionische Zee (Hans Paul Soetens)
- Collecting Hejaz Railway (Martin C. Lovegrove)
- Post Offices of the Ottoman Empire (M. Bülent Papuççuoğlu)
- The Revenue Stamps of the Palestinian Authority (Arthur Harris)
- Reactions, Comments, Queries Section:
- Mayo’s “Chisel”: The Overprint Variety AY with MiNr. 739 (Osmanlı Postaları 1337) (Willy Pijnenburg, Martin C. Lovegrove)
- German “Marine Schiffspost” in Turkey, WWI: MSP 14, 29, and 69 – Ships: General, Loreley, Goeben (Sultan Yavuz Selim), and Breslau (Midilli) (Hakan Yılmaz and Tobias Zywietz)
- A.D.P.O. – “Palestine” Revenue Stamps in French (Martin Lovegrove, Richard B. Rose)
- Arab–Israeli Clandestine Mail: Cover and IRCs (Peter Moorer)
- Photograph of Bahrain Air Field, 1934 (Tobias Zywietz)
- Agenzia Del Lloyd Austriaco Alessandria: One of the Rarest Lloyd Cachets on an 1857 Passenger Ticket (Christopher C. Smith)
- Research Request: Austrian Steam Navigation 1834-1845 (Study of the Austrian Post Offices Abroad) (Christopher C. Smith)
- Palestine Mandate: Saving Stamp Card (Tobias Zywietz)
- Archive Section:
- A Short History of the Turkish Posts (contributed by the Turkish Postal Administration)
- Recent Philatelic Journals (Tobias Zywietz)
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 22 (Regular Version, 138 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 22 (Image Quality Reduced, 93 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 21 (Summer 2022) |
- Gems of Ottoman Maritime Mail (Hubert Gerzabek)
- Agenzia Del Lloyd Austriaco Alessandria (Oscar van der Vliet)
- Turkey Coat-of-Arms: Rarities and Varieties (Hans-Dieter Gröger)
- The Postal Connections from Constantinople to Germany until the End of 1871 (Tilmann Nössig)
- Kouléli Bourgas of all Places … (Folkert Bruining)
- Advertising Postcards sent from Jerusalem in 1899 and 1903 (David K. Smith)
- Foreign Post Offices in Jerusalem – Photographs
- A 1915 Cover from Rızā Bey to Enver Paşa (contr. by Hakan Yılmaz and Osman Levend Seral)
- Ottoman Censorship Markings of WWI – Part IV: Insured Letters with Wax Seals (Hans Paul Soetens)
- The Handling of International Mail by Turkish Censors During World War I (I) (Otto Graf)
- The Air Defence School (FLAK-Schule) at San Stefano (Yeşilköy) (Peter B. Feuser)
- A.D.P.O. – “Palestine” Revenue Stamps in French (Richard B. Rose)
- Walter Mittelholzer’s Persia Flight 1924/25 (Schalk W. de Klerk)
- A Rare 1936 Lebanon Cover to Brazil via Zeppelin (Alexios Papadopoulos)
- Book Reviews:
- Egypt – The Rural Postal Service (Mike Murphy/Ibrahim Shoukry) (Tobias Zywietz)
- Ottoman Revenue Stamps of the Hejaz Railway (Steve Jacques) (Tobias Zywietz)
- The Stamps of Bukhara (Wolfgang Baldus) (Tobias Zywietz)
- The Comprehensive Guide to Iraq Fantasy Stamps 2003–2021 (Tobias Zywietz)
- Reactions, Comments, Queries Section:
- An Uprated German Domestic Reply-Postcard, 1916 (Jens Warnecke)
- Julius Bolthausen Covers and Postcards (Peter Keeda)
- Request for Information: Ottoman Railway Station Postmarks (Folkert Bruining)
- Holy Land Hotel Cachet: New Hotel Haifa Palestine A. Nassar 1898 (Tobias Zywietz)
- Turkey: Small Tughras Plate Error? “PAPAS” (2pa 1911, MiNr. 180) (Eric Rosen)
- Research Request: Lebanon Consular Stamps (Tobias Zywietz)
- RFI: Ottoman Postal Route to Persia via Trebizonde, Erzurum, Bayazid, and Tabriz (Björn Sohne)
- The Joint Telegraph Office at Pera (Ottoman Posts/Eastern Telegraph Co.) (Tobias Zywietz)
- The Ottoman Postmarks Projects – Joint Research by AROS, OPAL, and ONEPS (Tobias Zywietz)
- RFI: Existence of Postmark Usunca Owa in Bulgaria (Usundsha Ova, Uzundja-ova, Uzundzhovo) (Tobias Zywietz)
- RFI: Compagnie Perso-Ottomane de Navigation à Vapeur (S. Atychidès and Th. B. Vahratoglou) (Björn Sohne)
- Archive Section:
- Postage-Paid Seals of the Ottoman Empire in the Pre-Philatelic Period (İsmail Hakkı Tevfik Okday)
- Recent Philatelic Journals (Tobias Zywietz)
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 21 (Regular Version, 202 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 21 (Image Quality Reduced, 111 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 20 (Spring 2022) |
- Gems from the Adolf Passer Collection (I) (Hubert Gerzabek)
- Beware the Certificate: Bosnia to Austria Postage Due 1866? (Tobias Zywietz)
- Constantinople City Post 1869–1882 and Liannos Private Post 1865–1867 (John Patrick Garton)
- Turkey Empire 1891: Complete Sheet of the 20 Paras Stamp Overprinted “Imprimé” (Hans-Dieter Gröger)
- The Bombay–Aden Sea Post Office (Mike Dovey)
- From Smyrna to Molyvos (Mytilene) 1903 (Ot Louw and Folkert Bruining)
- İstanbul Postmen’s Delivery Cachets 1913–1929 (Volker Fredebold)
- Ottoman Censorship Markings of WWI – Part III: Positive Censor Markings İ–Z (Hans Paul Soetens)
- Indian Army FPO 33 at Belbeis POW Camp (Egypt) (Robert Gray)
- A 1919 Letter from Baghdad to İstanbul via London (Hakan Yılmaz)
- Iraq 1926: Essays for Proposed Overland Mail Stamps (Rainer Fuchs, FRPSL, AIJP)
- More Interesting Proofs and Essays of (Trans)Jordan (Avo Kaplanian)
- Is this Stamp with a White Spot worth a Thousand Dollars? Random Flaws of Jordan’s 1954/55 Definitives (Avo Kaplanian)
- Aden Meter Marks (edited by Neil Williams and Tobias Zywietz)
- Postal Wars: World Refugee Year 1959/1960 (Jan M. Heijs)
- Registration Etiquettes and Cachets used in the Aden Protectorate States: Further Examples of ‘white’ Registration Etiquettes (Neil Williams)
- Book Review: Turkey Ottoman Empire Military Censorship During World War I 1914–1918 (John Patrick Garton) (Tobias Zywietz)
- Book Review: Ottoman Post Offices and Services in Albania (Kemal Giray & Otto Graf) (Tobias Zywietz)
- Reactions, Comments, Queries Section
- Request for Information: Private Mail in US Diplomatic Pouch (Neil Williams)
- International Reply Coupons of Turkey: Greek Occupation of the Island of Lesbos with Mytilene 1912 (Hans Paul Soetens)
- A curious 1941 Air Mail cover: France to Aden via Syria? (Neil Williams)
- RFI: 1937 Atatürk Block (Souvenir Sheet) (Rod Allen, Wolfgang Schmidt)
- Book Notice: “Iridescent Kuwait: Petro-Modernity and Urban Visual Culture since the Mid-Twentieth Century” (Laura Hindelang)
- Forgeries of the Jordan 1942 Definitive Set (Bernd-Dieter Buscke)
- Transjordan/Hejaz 1924 3 qirsh brown and brown-olive and two ‘Makkah Arms’ covers from Amman via Haifa–Kantara T.P.O. (Martin Lovegrove)
- Indian Censor 112 on E.E.F. cover Sinai–Alexandria in June 1917 (Sami Sadek)
- Request for Information: Scientific Examination of Stamps via Spectrometry and XRay (Sharjah, Ras Al-Khaima, and Qatar) (Peter Moorer)
- RFI: Ottoman Postal Route to Persia via Trebizonde, Erzurum, Bayazid, and Tabriz (Björn Sohne)
- RFI: Iraq–Kuwait Postal War (Jan Heijs) (Jan Heijs)
- The Ottoman Postmarks Projects – Joint Research by AROS, OPAL, and ONEPS (Tobias Zywietz)
- Archive Section:
- Ottoman Censorship Instructions 1914 (edited by Tobias Zywietz)
- The Turkish Post Before the Introduction of Stamps in Lebanon (İsmail Hakkı Tevfik Okday)
- Recent Philatelic Journals (Tobias Zywietz)
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 20 (Regular Version, 189 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 20 (Image Quality Reduced, 84 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 19 (Winter 2021) |
- Beware the Certificate: Anatolia to Austria 1871 Untaxed (Tobias Zywietz)
- Mission Bopp: Persia via Baghdad 1916 (Arno Schmolke, Horst Borlinghaus, Walter Stegmüller, Rolf Haspel, Heiko Kregel)
- Ottoman Censorship Markings of WWI – Part II: Positive Censorship Markings A–H (Hans Paul Soetens)
- Hejaz Railway Revenue Stamps on a 1916 Quarry Bill (by Tobias Zywietz with help from Osman Levend Seral and Hakan Yılmaz)
- Turkey 1917: Ox Head Overprints on Cover (Hubert Gerzabek)
- A First Hand with Second Hand – The First Revenue Stamps in Former Ottoman Territories (Oscar van der Vliet)
- From Britain to India by Imperial Airways: The First Steps (Schalk W. de Klerk)
- The International Reply Coupons of Mandated Syria (Syria, Latakia, Lebanon) 1926–1945 (contributed by Wolfgang Leimenstoll and Hálfdan Helgason)
- Use with Caution: How Comprehensive is Norman J. Collins’ “The Crown Agents Requisition Books”? (Alex Ben Arieh)
- More Interesting Proofs and Essays of (Trans)Jordan (Adel Al-Sarraf)
- More World Refugee Year Palestine Slogan Markings (Avo Kaplanian)
- More Lebanon Gum-Side Surcharges (VII) (Phil Le Page)
- The Modern Definitive Revenue Stamps of Jordan 1995–2020 (Avo Kaplanian)
- Book Review: Aspects of Palestinian Postal History (David Trapnell) (Tobias Zywietz)
- Book Review: The Postal History of the Ottoman Post in the Holy Land (Zvi Aloni & Joseph Hackmey) (Tobias Zywietz)
- Reactions, Comments, Queries
- NOTOS European Philatelic Exhibition, Athens, 19th–22nd November 2021 (Tobias Zywietz)
- International Reply Coupons of Turkey: Greek Occupation of the Island of Lesbos with Mytilene 1912 (Bernd-Dieter Buscke, Wolfgang Leimenstoll)
- RFI: Arabian Gulf States Postal History Quarterly (Tobias Zywietz)
- RFI: Iraq Registration Fee 1921 (Thomas Johansen)
- RFI: UAE Postage Rates / Ras al-Khaima U.P.U. member? (Folkert Bruining, Khalid Omaira)
- RFI: Private Mail in US Diplomatic Pouch (Martin Rhein)
- Arabian Philatelic Association International: New Website (Tobias Zywietz)
- The WWI Censor Seals of the Ottoman Empire (Hakan Yılmaz)
- Pogon Ambulant Post Office: A Rural Postal Service in Ottoman Times? (Ercan Oktay Richter)
- 2002 Fluorescent Overprint on Definitive Revenue Stamps of Jordan (Fareed Tawara)
- The Agony of Quarantine in Smyrna in 1890: İzmir Quarantine Administration 1889 (Osman Levend Seral)
- Selling the Impossible – Palestine ‘Blues’ 1918: 5 Mils Overprint in Grey Colour? (Adel Al-Sarraf)
- Jordan: 1 mil Definitive 1942 in complete cancelled-to-order Sheet (contributed by Hatem Rawhi Al-Khatib)
- Archive: Postal History and Related Notices from the Official Gazettes for Palestine – Part 12: 1933 (Tobias Zywietz)
- Recent Philatelic Journals (Tobias Zywietz)
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 19 (Regular Version, 151 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 19 (Image Quality Reduced, 110 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 18 (Summer 2021) |
- The Art of Islam (Hubert Gerzabek)
- Mail from Perim Island (Yemen) (II) (Folkert Bruining)
- A Visit to the Quarantine Station at Anatoli-Kawak on the Bosporus in 1884 (Tobias Zywietz)
- The Agony of Quarantine in Smyrna in 1890 (Tobias Zywietz)
- Reports from the 1902 Cholera Epidemic in Palestine (Tobias Zywietz)
- The WWI Censor Seals of the Ottoman Empire (Philip Longbottom)
- Ottoman Censorship Markings of WWI - Part I: Negative Censorship Markings (Hans Paul Soetens)
- The Red Crescent Exhibition Constantinople 1917 (Jens Warnecke)
- The Earliest Ottoman Reply Coupon from Smyrna 1915 (Hakan Berkil)
- Selling the Impossible Palestine ‘Blues’ 1918: 5 Mils Overprint in Grey Colour? (a critical evaluation by Tobias Zywietz)
- Introduction of the French Trans-Desert Motor Service Damascus–Baghdad in Competition to the British Overland Mail Haifa–Baghdad (Rainer Fuchs)
- Some Interesting Proofs and Essays of (Trans)Jordan (Avo Kaplanian)
- Slogan Marks of the World Refugee Year (Laurence Fisher and Dr. Ofir Winter)
- Palestine Rare Destinations: Iceland 1947 (Max Michel Mann)
- Jordan’s Postcard for King Hussein’s Fiftieth Birthday 1985 (Dr. David K. Smith)
- Market Report: Supplies of Post Office Postal Stationery Wrappers of Middle East Countries 2011–2020 (Dr. John A. Courtis)
- Book Review: Mohamed Aly Post (Ramadan) (Tobias Zywietz)
- Book Review: The Bombay–Aden Sea Post Office 1868–1914 (Dovey & Bottrill) (Tobias Zywietz)
- Prisoners of War at the Ottoman Front during WWI (Giray) (Tobias Zywietz)
- Reactions, Comments, Queries
- RFI: Philatelic Literature in Arabic (Russel Turner, Peter Moorer)
- RFI: Pogon Ambulant Post Office – A Rural Postal Service in Ottoman Times? (Folkert Bruining)
- RFI: Turkey 1921/1922: Is there a third Adana overprint series? (Willy Pijnenburg)
- RFI: Jordan Postage Rates 1920–1967 (Bernd-Dieter Buscke)
- New Discovery: Gum-side Printing of the 1923 5p Ay Yıldız (Jens Warnecke)
- RFI: Jordan: Military Cancel (Arab Legion) “M 30” (1955) (Bernd-Dieter Buscke)
- The Hashemite Philatelist – An April Fools’ Joke from 1968 (Khalid Omaira)
- The Palestine Post Tariff 2020 – Correction (Thomas Schubert)
- RFI: Iraqi Postmarks Research (Rainer Fuchs, FRPSL, AIJP)
- Mysterious Cover from Saudi Arabia to Cairo 1973 with Israeli Military Connection (Dr. Uwe Gräbe)
- The Dissolution of The Holyland Philatelic Society (HPS) (Tobias Zywietz)
- RFI: UAE Postage Rates (Folkert Bruining)
- International Reply Coupons of Turkey: Greek Occupation of the Island of Lesbos with Mytilene 1912 (Wolfgang Leimstenstoll)
- Jerusalem General Post Office: Telephone trunk exchange & supervisors' desk, 1938. (Tobias Zywietz)
- A few Words about the Hand-Stamps of Turkey (Léon T. Adjemian)
- The Postal Hand-Stamps of Turkey before the Existence of Postage Stamps (Léon T. Adjemian)
- Anthony Bluett: Over the Ladder of Tyre A Soldier’s Observations of the Great Famine in Lebanon (Tobias Zywietz / Bernardo Longo / LibanPhil)
- Postal and Communications Information in the 1872 Guide-Annuaire d’Égypte (compiled by Tobias Zywietz)
- Recent Philatelic Journals (Tobias Zywietz)
- Obituary: Ot Louw (Folkert Bruining)
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 18 (Regular Version, 125 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 18 (Image Quality Reduced, 80 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 17 (Spring 2021) |
- The Αustrian Post in Thessaloniki (Alexandros Savopoulos )
- The Turkish Post in Bulgaria: New Discoveries (Dr. Georgi Popov)
- “Via Quetta” – The Earliest Incoming Mail to Persia (Björn Sohrne)
- Emergency Measures of the Ottoman Post during the First World War (Jens Warnecke)
- On the Use of Turkey’s 1916 Leander’s Tower Postal Card (Otto Graf)
- Two Mysterious Baghdad–Haifa Overland Mail Route Instruction Hand-Stamps (Rainer Fuchs)
- Three New Jordanian Censor Markings (Bernd-Dieter Buscke)
- Mail from Perim Island (Yemen) (Folkert Bruining and Ot Louw)
- The Yellow Fleet (Great Bitter Lake Association) (Peter Valdner)
- The Palestine Post Tariff 2020 (Thomas Schubert)
- Comments, Requests, Queries
- Constantinople & Danube Line Of Steamers / T.B. Morton & Co. (Kamil Fatih Arli)
- Request for Information: Palestine " إيرادات" (ʾiradat) Overprint (Arthur Harris)
- Research Request: “Le Loi sur le Timbre” – Ottoman Fiscal Stamp Law 1893 (Tobias Zywietz)
- Request for Information: International Currency Relations for Postage Due Calculations (Martin Davies)
- Request for Information: The Yemenophile / Research Request: Royalist Yemen Stationery (Andreas Svrakov)
- Research Request: Israeli Postal War against Palestine 1995 (Jan Heijs)
- Request for Information: Mysterious Cover from Saudi Arabia to Cairo 1973 with Israeli Military Connection (Harris Wolman, Martin Lovegrove)
- Request for Information: Palestine Mandate Booklet Stamps (Rolf Wernecke)
- Request for Information: Egyptian Charity Label Giza Ambulance (ANPA) (Axel Brockmann)
- More Lebanon Gum-Side Surcharges (Phil Le Page)
- The End of the Overland Mail Baghdad–Haifa (III): Transdesert Transport Companies – Ani & Aboody Transport Company (Rainer Fuchs)
- Request for Information: Jordan Postage Rates 1920–1967 (Bob Stuchell, Bernd-Dieter Buscke, Avo Kaplanian)
- Archive: Postal History and Related Notices from the Official Gazettes for Palestine – Part 11: 1932 (Tobias Zywietz)
- Recent Philatelic Journals (Tobias Zywietz)
- Jerusalem Railway Station with Locomotive "Ramleh"
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 17 (Regular Version, 115 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 17 (Image Quality Reduced, 95 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 16 (Winter 2020) |
- “Filthy beyond Belief” : A Postal Card from Djeddah 1893 (Tobias Zywietz/Ercan Oktay Richter)
- Bon Samaritain (Khan al-Hathrur) (IV) (Folkert Bruining/Tobias/Rainer von Scharpen)
- Proofs of Turkey’s 1916 Leander’s Tower Postcards (Jens Warnecke)
- The Austro-Hungarian Medical Corps in Turkey (Horst Taitl)
- Photographs of Austrian Troops in Palestine 1916/17 (Tobias Zywietz)
- Forgeries of 1918/19 O.E.T.A. Revenues (EEF Overprints) (Richard B. Rose)
- Varieties and Forgeries of the Quarter Qirsh Makka Arms Stamp of Hejaz and Transjordan (Martin Lovegrove)
- Turkey’s Red Crescent Stamps: Regulations Governing their Usage (Otto Graf)
- Ay Yıldız: About stumbling, tumbling and leaning numbers (Willy Pijnenburg)
- Transdesert Transport Companies (IV): Compagnie Auto-Routière du Levant (Rainer Fuchs)
- Revenues of Aden Crown Colony (Gary Brown/Neil Williams)
- The Red Lion and Sun Society of Iran Philatelic and Semi-Philatelic Reflections (Werner Lade)
- Nablus AM/PM Postmarks Revisited (IV) (Avo Kaplanian)
- Book Review: Great Bitter Lake Association (Valdner) (Colin Fraser)
- Reactions, Comments, Queries
- Request for Information: Palestine " إيرادات" (ʾiradat) Overprint (Arthur Harris)
- Turkish Occupation of Thessaly 1897/98 (Hakan Yilmaz)
- New Study Group: Hejaz-Transjordan Study Group (Martin Lovegrove )
- Genuine or Forgery: Hejaz 1924 10p Varieties (Syed Imtiaz Hussain Rizvi/Martin Lovegrove )
- Request for Information: Ottoman Postal Route to Persia: via Trebizonde, Erzurum, Bayazid, and Tabriz (Björn Sohne)
- Request for Information: Libyan Postal History and John N. Davies (FRPSL) (Tobias Zywietz)
- Photograph of Gaza Post Office in Ottoman Times (Atadan Tunaci)
- Request for Information: Jordan Postage Rates 1920–1967 (Tobias Zywietz)
- E.E.F. Army Post Offices in Palestine: The Conumdrim of APOs SZ52 to SZ55 (Joel Weiner)
- More Lebanon Gum-Side Surcharges (Tobias Zywietz)
- Request for Information: Palestine Mandate Booklet Stamps (Max Michel Mann)
- The India Post Office in the Middle East (Geoffrey Rothe Clarke)
- Recent Philatelic Journals (Tobias Zywietz)
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 16 (Regular Version, 88 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 16 (Image Quality Reduced, 55 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 15 (Summer 2020) |
- The Austrian Post Office in Çeşme (Tscheschmé) (Leonhard Döderlein)
- Bon Samaritain (Khan al-Hathrur) (III) (David K. Smith, Folkert Bruining, Tobias Zywietz)
- The Gülnihal: A Turkish Hospital Ship (Aram Daregobian, Richard B. Rose)
- Jerusalem I Overprinting (II): The Visiting Card of Modestos Sapuntjoglou (Tobias Zywietz, Joel Weiner)
- Jordanian Postmarks of Maʿān (II) (Bernd-Dieter Buscke)
- Forgeries of the 1923/24 Transjordan Overprint on The Makka Arms Issue of Hedjaz (Martin Lovegrove)
- Heliopolis Philatelists Club (Jos Strengholt)
- The Red Crescent Aid Organisations in Islamic Countries (Jens Warnecke)
- 1943 First Day Covers from Syria: Dr. Hoexter, Mr. Flouty and the Mystery of a Dead President (Tobias Zywietz, Bassam Hama)
- The All-Arabic Jordanian West Bank Censor Markings (II) (Bernd-Dieter Buscke)
- Book Review: The Egyptian Maritime Postal History (Salam) (Tobias Zywietz)
- Reactions, Comments, Queries:
- ʿAmmān–Darʿā T.P.O. Postmark Indexes (Bernd-Dieter Buscke, Folkert Bruining)
- More Lebanon Gum-Side Surcharges (Phil Le Page)
- Late Use of Jordanian Postal Forms (Bernd-Dieter Buscke, Avo Kaplanian)
- From Scotland to Sudan (Alexios Papadopoulos)
- The International Reply Coupons of Syria and Lebanon (Wolfgang Leimenstoll)
- Libyan Postal History and John N. Davies (Hakan Berkil)
- The Postal History of Heliopolis 1909–1952 (Jos Strengholt)
- Palestine Stamp Magazine (Joseph Aron)
- Jordan’s Stampless Air Letter Sheets (Bernd-Dieter Buscke)
- The Yemonophile (Khalid Omaira, Neil Williams)
- Iran’s 1906 “Service Intérieur” Surcharges (Behruz Nassre)
- Meter Marks used in Iran and Lebanon (Luc Guillard)
- The French Consular Issues of 1948 (Tobias Zywietz)
- Sudan Embossed Revenues & Sudan Social Insurance Stamps (David Sher)
- Archive: Postal History and Related Notices from the Official Gazettes for Palestine – Part 10: 1931 (Tobias Zywietz)
- Recent Philatelic Journals (Tobias Zywietz)
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 15 (Regular Version, 107 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 15 (Image Quality Reduced, 85 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 14 (Spring 2020) |
- The İstanbul Provisionals: An Update (Willy Pijnenburg)
- Reprints of Iran’s 1906 “Service Intérieur” Surcharges (Lee Coen)
- From Scotland to Sudan: A Tale of a Great Britain Post Office Postal Stationery Wrapper (Dr. John A. Courtis)
- The Postal History of Heliopolis 1909–1952 (Jos Strengholt)
- Jordanian Postmarks of Maʿān (Avo Kaplanian)
- Egypt Essays, Proofs and Varieties from the Joseph Chalhoub Collection (Tobias Zywietz)
- Iraq Railway Post Stamps: The Booklet of the Fifth Issue (Rainer Fuchs)
- The Imperial Reply Coupons of Palestine – A New Discovery: Type II (Rolf Wernecke)
- The All-Arabic Jordanian West Bank Censor Markings (Avo Kaplanian)
- Registration Etiquettes used in the Aden Protectorate States (Mike Pettifor & Neil Williams)
- RFI: 1983 Israeli Censorship on West Bank Mails (Marc Parren)
- Jordan: New 2019 Commemorative Reply Coupon (Wolfgang Leimenstoll)
- Book Review: The Werner Schindler Collection of Austrian Levant (Die Österreichische Post in der Levante) (Tobias Zywietz)
- Book Review: The Postage Stamps of Aden 1937–1968 (P. Bond) (Neil Williams)
- Book Review: Sultanate of Oman Postal System 1966-2016 (H. Al-Attar) (Cal Allen)
- Book Review: The Revenue Stamps of the Palestinian Authority (A. Harris) (Tobias Zywietz)
- Archive: The Postal Services in Palestine 1913 (Ernst J. Schmitz)
- Recent Philatelic Journals (Tobias Zywietz)
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 14 (Regular Version, 115 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 14 (Image Quality Reduced, 78 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 13 (Winter 2019) |
- A Thessaly Cover with Surprises (Otto Graf)
- Turkey 1897 Overprint Error “Cniq” on Cover (Hakan Berkil)
- A Rare Ottoman Cover from Amman, 1918 (Robert Stuchell)
- The Old General Post Office of Jerusalem (Tobias Zywietz)
- Photographs from the Jerusalem I Overprinting Process at Greek Convent Press (Tobias Zywietz)
- ʿAmmān–Darʿā T.P.O. Postmark Indexes (Folkert Bruining)
- The Danish Missionary Society in Syria II (Tobias Zywietz)
- Iraq Railway Post Stamps First Issue Booklet (Rainer Fuchs)
- A Curious 1933 Cover from Heliopolis (Jos Strengholt)
- The End of a Legend: The ‘lost’ First Jordanian Postmark of Nablus (Bernd-Dieter Buscke)
- Jordan’s Stampless Air Letter Sheets (Avo Kaplanian)
- Another Printing Variety of Jordan’s 35 Fils Air Letter (Bernd-Dieter Buscke)
- Late Use of Jordanian Postal Forms in the Israeli Occupied West Bank (Avo Kaplanian)
- Late Use of Jordanian Postal Forms in the Israeli Occupied West Bank: Numbered P.O. Cachets (Dr. Wolfgang Elsner)
- Book Review: Der Orient-Express 1883–1914 (Dorr) (TZ)
- Archive: The French Consular Issues of 1948 (Dr. Siegfried Ascher)
- Archive: Postal History and Related Notices from the Official Gazettes for Palestine – Part 9: 1930 (Tobias Zywietz)
- Archive: Friedrich Perlberg’s Palæstina-Album (Tobias Zywietz)
- Recent Philatelic Journals (Tobias Zywietz)
- Obituary: Gary Brown (Malcolm Groom)
- Obituary: Andreas Birken (Tobias Zywietz)
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 13 (Regular Version, 111 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 13 (Image Quality Reduced, 44 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 12 (Summer 2019) |
- New Ottoman T.P.O. Cancel Discovered: Smyrna–Dinar (İzmir–Geyikli) (Hakan Berkil)
- The Turkish Occupation of Thessaly 1897/98: Some Covers and their Background (Otto Graf)
- Bon Samaritain (Khan al-Hathrur) Updated (Folkert Bruining and Tobias Zywietz)
- The Old General Post Office of Jerusalem on Historical Photographs – Revisited (Tobias Zywietz)
- Two or three lines under the Mosque: Varieties of Palestine’s First Registration Envelope (Rolf Wernecke)
- Research Appeal: The International Reply Coupons of Syria and Lebanon
- Levantine Discord: The Rejection of the First Stamps of Hatay by Syria and Lebanon (Wolfgang Elsner)
- Covers from the Sanjak of Alexandretta during the Crisis of 1938/1939 (contr.: Chaker Areksoussi, ‘Liban Phil,’ ‘Ruud van Nistelrooy,’ et al.)
- The Stamps of Alexandretta and Hatay amidst the Conflict (Tobias Zywietz)
- Alexandretta: Non-Philatelic Appendices (Tobias Zywietz)
- The End of the Overland Mail Baghdad–Haifa (III): Transdesert Transport Companies (Rainer Fuchs (FRPSL, AIJP))
- Research Appeal: Aden and Yemen Meter Marks
- Printing Varieties of Jordan’s 35 Fils Air Letter (Avo Kaplanian)
- Post-WWII Iraqi Censorship – Part I: Baghdad 1958–1972 (Marc Parren)
- Archive: Postal History and Related Notices from the Official Gazettes for Palestine: Index 1919–1929 (Tobias Zywietz)
- Recent Philatelic Journals (Tobias Zywietz)
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 12 (Regular Version, 73 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 12 (Image Quality Reduced, 58 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 11 (Spring 2019) |
- When Did Turkey Introduce Postal Services for Occupied Thessaly? (Otto Graf)
- More Bolthausen Picture Post Cards (Tobias Zywietz, David Pearlman)
- The Danish Missionary Society (Østerlandsmissionen) in Syria (Tobias Zywietz, Luigi Martinoja)
- A New Miss Newton Cover: Palestine to Iraq 1923 (Rainer Fuchs)
- Palestine Mandate Postmark Record Sheets III (Joel Weiner)
- The End of the Overland Mail Baghdad–Haifa (II): The 1947 Contract with Haim Nathaniel (Rainer Fuchs)
- Arab-Israeli War 1948: Malta to Cyprus Surface Mail Censored in Egypt (Marc Parren)
- The Jordan Revenue and “Aid” Overprint Stamps (Avo Kaplanian)
- Kathiri State of Seiyun (Aden) Air Letters (Gary Brown)
- Aden Meter Marks (Neil Williams, Gary Brown)
- The Reply Coupons of Jordan II (Hálfdan Helgason, Avo Kaplanian, Wolfgang Leimenstoll, Bernd-Dieter Buscke)
- Late Use of Arab Postal Forms and Cachets in the Israeli Occupied Territories (Wolfgang Elsner)
- Sale of the Georg Roll Stock of Palestine (Tobias Zywietz)
- International Philatelic Literature Exhibition “ITALIA 2018” (Tobias Zywietz)
- Recent Philatelic Journals (Tobias Zywietz)
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 11 (Regular Version, 80 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 11 (Image Quality Reduced, 36 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 10 (Autumn 2018) |
- Joss & Löwenstein Perfins Revisted (Vladimír Münzberger)
- The Oriental Travels of Julius Bolthausen – Part 2: More Bolthausen Picture Post Cards (Tobias Zywietz)
- A 1924 Share of Beyrouth-Baghdad-Téhéran-Autombile (Eastern Transport Company) (Rainer Fuchs)
- A 1928 Dubai Paquebot Cover via Overland Mail to Antwerp? (Rainer Fuchs)
- The Missing Press Drop of the 1929 Zeppelin Orient Flight (Dieter Leder, Tobias Zywietz)
- The Raid on the Bethlehem Post Office 1938: Where is the Disaster Mail (Tobias Zywietz)
- The End of the Overland Mail Baghdad-Haifa (Rainer Fuchs)
- The Late Use of Mandate Postmarks in the West Bank 1948-50 (Bernd-Dieter Buscke)
- British Mandate Postmarks and Registration Labels used in the West Bank of Jordan (Avo Kaplanian)
- Egypt in Palestine: Philatelic Souvenir Covers 1948/1954 (Tobias Zywietz)
- The Reply Coupons of Jordan: a Research Request
- Suspension of Mail Service Israel–Gaza in 2009: An Internal Israel Post Notice (Tobias Zywietz)
- Digitisation of Philatelic Knowledge: Holy Land Postal History (Mark Sommer)
- Archive: The Postal Service in Palestine in 1922 including Postage Stamps of Palestine and Trans-Jordania, 1918–1922 (Harry Charles Luke, Edward Keith-Roach, Dr. C.R.B. Eyre, Tobias Zywietz)
- Archive: Press Reports of the 1929 Zeppelin Orient Flight (Tobias Zywietz)
- Recent Philatelic Journals (Tobias Zywietz)
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 10 (Regular Version, 71 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 10 (Image Quality Reduced, 33 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 9 (Summer 2018) |
- How to Sell a Parable: The Ottoman Post Office Bon Samaritain (Khan al-Hathrur) (Folkert Bruining, Tobias Zywietz)
- Austrian Levant Perfins: O&M – Observatoire et Musée Scientifique de Jerusalem (Peter Keeda)
- The Late Use of the Small Ottoman Date-Bridge Postmark of Kerek in Transjordan (Bernd-Dieter Buscke)
- The Palestine Mandate London II (Waterlow) Issue: The Mystery of the Missing Upper Panes of the 9, 10, and 20 Piastres (Perf. 14) (Avo Kaplanian, Jacques Kaufmann)
- Embossed Egyptian Fiscals (Wolfgang Morscheck (Bad Säckingen))
- Some Remarks about the Ay Yıldız Issue (Otto Graf)
- A 1931 Rerouted Overland Mail Cover: London–Hit–Haifa–Jerusalem–Afule (Rainer Fuchs)
- The Raid on the Bethlehem Post Office in September 1938 (Tobias Zywietz)
- The “Wartime Economy Use” of a Palestine Meter Mark Cover (Rainer Fuchs)
- Nablus AM/PM Postmarks Revisited (III) (Avo Kaplanian)
- Egypt Stamps and Rates: What, no Stamp? (Edmund Hall)
- Reply Coupons of The Arab Postal Union (Hálfdan Helgason, Tobias Zywietz)
- More Lebanon Gum-Side Surcharges (Johann Baumgartner)
- Jordan’s Touristic Post Cards (Avo Kaplanian)
- New Books: The Transition from Palestine to Israel (van de Laar)
- Book Review: Venice and the Levant (Venezia e il Levante) (Rigo)
- Book Review: "Postkrieg" Catalogue (Burhop/Heijs)
- New Books: Ein wahrhaft irdisches Jerusalem (Zahn)
- World Stamp Championship “ISRAEL 2018” (Tobias Zywietz)
- Recent Philatelic Journals (Tobias Zywietz)
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 9 (Regular Version, 48 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 9 (Image Quality Reduced, 29 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 8 (Spring 2018) |
- Joss & Löwenstein Perfin on an Egyptian Postal Stationery Card (Vahe Varjabedian)
- Request for Information: Levant Perfins (Georg Sand, Tobias Zywietz, Dick Scheper)
- The Plate Varieties Of The London II (Waterlow) Issue of Mandate Palestine – Updated (Avo Kaplanian)
- The Late Use of the Hejazi Postmark of Maʿān in Transjordan 1920–1927 (Bernd-Dieter Buscke)
- The Annexation of Maʿān District in 1925 (Tobias Zywietz)
- Overland Mail Baghdad–Haifa: The Route Instruction Label of the British Post – Second Addendum (Rainer Fuchs)
- A Unique Quadruple Rate Overland Mail Cover (Rainer Fuchs)
- Palestine Mandate Postmark Record Sheets Revisited (Joel Weiner)
- Domestic Cancel on Iraqi International Reply Coupon (Tobias Zywietz, Halfdan Helgason)
- 1957 Egyptian Mail Rejected by France (Pierre Louis Grech)
- 1957 Egyptian Mail Rejected by France – Additional Information (Jan Heijs)
- Lebanon Cedar Definitives with Surcharge Revisited (Tobias Zywietz, Luigi Martinoja, Phil Le Page, Albert Massaad)
- World Cultural Heritage in Jordan: Madaba and other Christian Sites (Dietrich Ecklebe)
- New Books: Palestine Related Stamps (Tobias Zywietz)
- Postal History and Related Notices from the Official Gazettes for Palestine – Part 8: 1929 (Tobias Zywietz)
- Postal History and Related Notices from the Official Gazettes for Palestine - Part 3: 1923/1924 – Addendum 2 (Tobias Zywietz)
- Recent Philatelic Journals (Tobias Zywietz)
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 8 (Regular Version, 92 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 8 (Image Quality Reduced, 55 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 7 (Autumn 2017) |
- The Late Use of Postmarks of the Kingdom of Syria in Transjordan 1920–1928 (Bernd-Dieter Buscke)
- Iraq Railway Post: A New Discovery? (Rainer Fuchs)
- Postmark Record Sheets of the Palestine Mandate (Tobias Zywietz)
- Jordan Palestine Aid Obligatory Tax Stamps: Revenue Overprint Varieties of 1947 and 1953 (Avo Kaplanian)
- Nablus AM/PM Postmarks Revisited (II) (Avo Kaplanian)
- 1957 Lebanon Cedar Definitives with Surcharge on the Reverse (Rainer Fuchs)
- World Cultural Heritage in Jordan: The Decapolis (Dietrich Ecklebe)
- Book Review: The Paper Money Collectors’ Guide - Ayman Dayekh (Mahdi Bseiso)
- Book Review: Baghdad in British Occupation - Freddy Khalastchy (Tobias Zywietz
- Book Review: Amsterdamse Postzegelsociëteit: APS Tachtig 1937 2017 (Tobias Zywietz)
- Where have all the Overland Mail Baghdad–Haifa Collectors gone? (Rainer Fuchs)
- Royal Philatelic Society London Acquires Edward B. Proud’s Invaluable Archive
- Postal History and Related Notices from the Official Gazettes for Palestine – Part 7: 1928 (Tobias Zywietz)
- Postal History and Related Notices from the Official Gazettes for Palestine – Part 3: 1923/1924 – Addendum (Tobias Zywietz)
- Recent Philatelic Journals (Tobias Zywietz)
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 7 (Regular Version, 66 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 7 (Image Quality Reduced, 38 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 6 (Summer 2017) |
- Syrian Hejaz Railway Postmarks:Hamidiye Hicaz Demiryolu Deraʿa (Folkert Bruining, Dr. Atadan Tunaci)
- Ounces or Grammes? Request for Information on Weight Units used by Iraqi Post in the 1920s (Rainer Fuchs
- Overland Mail Baghdad–Haifa: The Route Instruction Label of the British Post – An Addendum (Rainer Fuchs)
- The Pictorial Coil Stamps of Mandate Palestine: Paste-Up with Plate Number Discovered (Tobias Zywietz, Bassam Hama)
- Restricted Use of British Postal Orders in Egypt and Palestine (Tobias Zywietz, John Gledhill, Jack Harwood)
- The First Post Office in Sharjah (Khalid Omaira)
- Cumulative Index to R. Howard Courtney’s The Arab World Philatelist 1978–1982 (Tobias Zywietz, R. Howard Courtney)
- Request for Information: Small Tughra Bey’iye Stamps on Cover (Andreas Birken)
- Postal History and Related Notices from the Official Gazettes for Palestine – Part 6: 1927 (Tobias Zywietz)
- Recent Philatelic Journals (Tobias Zywietz)
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 6 (Regular Version, 77 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 6 (Image Quality Reduced, 68 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 5 (Spring 2017) |
- Baghdad Provisionals Revisited (Kemal Giray, Tobias Zywietz)
- Overland Mail Baghdad–Haifa: A Very Special Iranian Overland Mail Cover (Rainer Fuchs)
- Syrian Hejaz Railway Postmarks: Request for Information (Folkert Bruining)
- Syrian Hejaz Railway Postmarks: Alep–Damas and the Postmarks of the Palestine Branch Line after WWI (Tobias Zywietz)
- A Kuwait Cover with 1948 Syrian Censorship (Thomas Johansen)
- Iraqi Censorship Post-WWII (Marc Parren)
- A New Variety of Transjordan Palestine 1948 2m? (Tobias Zywietz, Kamal Kawar, Avo Kaplanian & Bernd-Dieter Buscke)
- Nablus AM/PM Postmarks Revisited (Tobias Zywietz, Paul Phillips, Avo Kaplanian)
- Ottoman Empire at Spring Stampex 2017 (Tobias Zywietz, Rainer Fuchs)
- A Curious Palestine Slogan Meter Mark from Yemen (Lawrence Fisher)
- The Postal Stationery of Israel (Sid Morginstin)
- Israel Postal Rates 1983–1984 (Sid Morginstin)
- Postal History and Related Notices from the Official Gazettes for Palestine – Part 5: 1926 (Tobias Zywietz)
- Recent Philatelic Journals (Tobias Zywietz)
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 5 (Regular Version, 87 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 5 (Image Quality Reduced, 50 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 4 (Winter 2016) |
- Two Rare Ottoman Holy Land Covers at Auction (Tobias Zywietz)
- Post for Baron Krobatin (Andreas Birken)
- Unknown Ottoman Censor Marks: Deurt-Yol and Damascus (Otto Graf)
- Overland Mail Baghdad–Haifa: The Route Instruction Label of the British Post Office (Rainer Fuchs)
- The 'one & only' Postcard of Jordan (Avo Kaplanian)
- Prisoners of War Censorhip Middle East: The Censor Labels (Giorgio Migliavacca)
- World Cultural Heritage Destroyed – Part 3: Yemen (Dietrich Ecklebe)
- Review: Guide To The Postal Stationery of Iraq - Rubec/Al-Manaseer (Tobias Zywietz)
- Review: Holy Land: Foreign Post Offices in Palestine 1852-1914 - The Itamar Karpovsky Collection (Tobias Zywietz)
- Queries & Research Notes: Uprating of International Reply Cards (Eric Scherer)
- Queries & Research Notes: Le Timbre Levantin (Tobias Zywietz with material from Edmund van Gilder)
- Queries & Research Notes: Iraqi and Jordanian Occupation of Tulkarm 1948/49 (Lawrence Fisher)
- The Archive Section: Postal History and Related Notices from the Official Gazettes for Palestine – Part 4: 1925 (Tobias Zywietz)
- Recent Philatelic Journals (Tobias Zywietz)
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 4 (Regular Version, 78 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 4 (Image Quality Reduced, 41 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 3 (Summer 2016) |
- A Rare Ottoman Cover from Amman, 1918 with newly discovered Amman Censor Mark (Tobias Zywietz)
- Could Indian Army F.P.O. 318 have come to Greece? How 318 turned out to be 313 (Robert Gray & Tobias Zywietz)
- A 1948 Nahariya Emergency Mail Cover (Daryl Kibble)
- Two Nablus Postmarks Discovered after 60 Years (Bernd-Dieter Buscke)
- Jordan’s Nablus Postmarks: More Discoveries (Tobias Zywietz)
- The 1999 Christmas Block of the Palestinian National Authority: Addendum (Tobias Zywietz)
- Egypt Barcode Registration Labels (Mike Murphy)
- Research Notes: Request for Ottoman “Empire” Varieties (Andreas Birken)
- Research Notes: Cilicia – An Update (Bob Bradford)
- Book Review: The Sultanate of Nejd (Riachi) (Richard B. Rose)
- Book Review: Airmails Across The Middle East 1918–1930 (Kimpton) (Tobias Zywietz)
- Archive: Postal History and Related Notices from the Official Gazettes for Palestine – Part 3: 1923/1924 (Tobias Zywietz)
- Recent Philatelic Journals (Tobias Zywietz)
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 3 (Regular Version, 87 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 3 (Image Quality Reduced, 36 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 2 (Spring 2016) |
- Tantur Hospital and the 2 Heller ‘Jerusalempilgermarke’ (Edgar Karl Haberer)
- The Mystery of the 'Habbaniya Provisionals' (Rainer Fuchs)
- The Registration Envelopes of Jordan (Avo Kaplanian)
- The 1999 Christmas Block of the Palestinian National Authority (Tobias Zywietz)
- World Cultural Heritage Destroyed: Assur, Niniveh, Hatra, and Bosra (Dietrich Ecklebe)
- Book Review: Gli annulli postali libanesi 1918–1945 - Longo (Rainer von Scharpen)
- Book Review: L'Italia in Africa Orientale Vol. 1 - Crevato-Selvaggi & Macrelli (Jürgen Glietsch)
- Archive: Postal History and Related Notices from the Official Gazettes for Palestine – Part 2: 1921/1922 (Tobias Zywietz)
- Recent Philatelic Journals (Tobias Zywietz)
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 2 (Regular Version, 92 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 2 (Image Quality Reduced, 32 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 1 (Autumn 2015) |
- The Oriental Travels of Julius Bolthausen: The Picture Postcards (Tobias Zywietz)
- The Mail Robbery between Jaffa and Jerusalem in March 1912 (Tobias Zywietz)
- An Introduction to Perfins of the Levant (Dick Scheper)
- Air Mail Service in French Cilicia 1920 (Jean-Bernard Parenti)
- The Provisional Postmark of the Italian Military Post Office in Smyrna in 1922 (Jürgen Glietsch)
- The Kingdom of Kurdistan 1922-24 (Rainer Fuchs)
- The Old General Post Office of Jerusalem on Historical Photographs (Tobias Zywietz)
- The 2012 Christmas Stamps of the Palestinian National Authority (Tobias Zywietz)
- World Cultural Heritage Destroyed: Palmyra (Dietrich Ecklebe)
- Book Review: Introduction to French Postal History in Tripoli - Semaan Bassil (Rainer von Scharpen)
- Book Review: Jérusalem et la Poste Française - Raphaël Livnat (Rainer von Scharpen)
- Archive: Postal History & Related Notices from the Gazettes for Palestine - Part 1: 1919/1920 (Tobias Zywietz)
- Recent Philatelic Journals (Tobias Zywietz)
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 1 (Regular Version, 96 MB) |
The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 1 (Image Quality Reduced, 35 MB) |